Re: Obama vs. McCain

Blender mag published the candidate's top 10 songs. Have you seen it?

1. Ready or Not Fugees
2. What's Going On Marvin Gaye
3. I'm On Fire Bruce Springsteen
4. Gimme Shelter Rolling Stones
5. Sinnerman Nina Simone
6. Touch the Sky Kanye West
7. You'd Be So Easy to Love Frank Sinatra
8. Think Aretha Franklin
9. City of Blinding Lights U2
10. Yes We Can

1. Dancing Queen ABBA
2. Blue Bayou Roy Orbison
3. Take a Chance On Me ABBA
4. If We Make It Through December Merle Haggard
5. As Time Goes By Dooley Wilson
6. Good Vibrations The Beach Boys
7. What A Wonderful World Louis Armstrong
8. I've Got You Under My Skin Frank Sinatra
9. Sweet Caroline Neil Diamond
10. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes The Platters

I like McCain's picks.


Re: Obama vs. McCain

sheisty obama

Re: Obama vs. McCain

i'd love to hear any explanation of how obama is "sheisty" that doesn't rely on right-wing propaganda kicking up racial paranoia. mccain is the one that has repeatedly changed his position on just about every key issue, for the sake of his political career. to ignore that and call obama sheisty instead sounds like racism to me. if not, it's just plain bullshit.

@dirtiblonde ...i forgot you were in is the polling going there so far?

i'm sick & tired of hearing people point out that obama is not some sort of saviour. who ever thought he was? that just sounds like a republican talking point. that was one of their commercials, after all. so fucking childish. it is not any sort of reasonable argument against him.


Re: Obama vs. McCain

1. Ready or Not Fugees
2. What's Going On Marvin Gaye
3. I'm On Fire Bruce Springsteen
4. Gimme Shelter Rolling Stones
5. Sinnerman Nina Simone
6. Touch the Sky Kanye West
7. You'd Be So Easy to Love Frank Sinatra
8. Think Aretha Franklin
9. City of Blinding Lights U2
10. Yes We Can

gimme a break.  are these the songs they played at the democratic convention? big_smile

Re: Obama vs. McCain

eager to see what will happen during these elections and after.

Showing the way for the modern man to become a Model Man.

Re: Obama vs. McCain

cool.. disco president

Monkey see, monkey do.

Re: Obama vs. McCain

Of the two candidates I would rather hear a McCain DJ set

Re: Obama vs. McCain

Political Compass for the US election:

Notice how high Palin is on the authoritarian/control freak/sociopath axis?

Take the test if you haven't already.

Re: Obama vs. McCain

Stinki wrote:

i'd love to hear any explanation of how obama is "sheisty" that doesn't rely on right-wing propaganda kicking up racial paranoia. mccain is the one that has repeatedly changed his position on just about every key issue, for the sake of his political career. to ignore that and call obama sheisty instead sounds like racism to me. if not, it's just plain bullshit.

@dirtiblonde ...i forgot you were in is the polling going there so far?

i'm sick & tired of hearing people point out that obama is not some sort of saviour. who ever thought he was? that just sounds like a republican talking point. that was one of their commercials, after all. so fucking childish. it is not any sort of reasonable argument against him.

Some people are really excited about Obama, it is nice, but naive.

So, since the voting system in this country is really messed, I am thinking about voting 3 times for good measure.

I am still registered in Illinois. When my mom voted in the primaries, I was still listed as a registered voter. I could file for absintee ballot.

I also moved in Cali last year and need to change my voter registration, which means I need to re-register because I am in a different district. I could probably still vote in the old one, as well of the new. 2 votes for Obama, 1 for Nader.

They stole the last 2 elections, it's time for us to steal it back...

Re: Obama vs. McCain

Obama leads by 14% in cali, with 6% undecided. Still time to register too.

Re: Obama vs. McCain

thats pretty shitty.. why should your opinion count 3x someone elses

Re: Obama vs. McCain
more hardcore than gandhi!

Monkey see, monkey do.

Re: Obama vs. McCain

Forax wrote:

thats pretty shitty.. why should your opinion count 3x someone elses

I am voting for the people that can't vote due to petty criminal charges (i.e. graffiti, marijuana).

Re: Obama vs. McCain

the law is the law


Re: Obama vs. McCain

which one of the two is against government running the banks?

41 (edited by Poodle 2008-09-23 23:25:06)

Re: Obama vs. McCain

dubbwa's #1 tune is Firestarter with The Prodigy

Re: Obama vs. McCain … t_palin_dc lol

Fisher said he strongly endorsed the Democratic ticket, and would donate a portion of royalties he receives from the Republicans' airing of "Barracuda" to the campaign of Sen. Barack Obama

Re: Obama vs. McCain

Forax wrote:

the law is the law're kidding right?

Re: Obama vs. McCain

Forax wrote:

thats pretty shitty.. why should your opinion count 3x someone elses

It's no secret rich republicans buy up property in swing states to cast absentee ballots to protect their interests.  Why should their vote count more than once?

Also, some states are trying to disallow those who have been foreclosed on from voting because technically they do not have a valid address. How is that fair?

Our voices are steadily being taken away, some of us may need to speak louder.

speaking of the law, I'll have to find out what it is if you get caught commiting voter fraud. It might not be worth it, but the system is so screwed up I doubt it would be likely.

45 (edited by Forax 2008-09-24 00:16:27)

Re: Obama vs. McCain

Stinki wrote:
Forax wrote:

the law is the law're kidding right?

i have no problem with graffiti (the real deal) or weed but if you're going to be doing something illegal you should be aware of the repercussions.  if you cherish your voting rights so much don't get caught doing illegal shit.  that does not give you free reign to start gaming the voting system.

edit: and it is typically felons that are denied the right to vote.. not petty criminals

Re: Obama vs. McCain

graffiti and marijuana possesion are felony offenses. I know 2 people here in cali that cannot vote for those 2 reasons.

If you have money and a good lawyer, you can likely get them reduced, but most people can't afford it.

So if you are 18 and get caught with weed, when you are 80, a steady tax payer for 62 years, and have been a law abiding citizen for 62 years, you still cannot vote.

Re: Obama vs. McCain

so that gives you the right to cast 30 fraudulent votes over a 62 year period by virtue of knowing 2 people who got busted with weed?


Re: Obama vs. McCain

2 wrongs = 1 right


1,000 votes from NYC = 1 vote from Omaha

Re: Obama vs. McCain

@ Forax aren't really questioning anything there. That's the way it is, so don't break the rules, eh?

Do you know where the harshest rules against felons are? The South. Do you know when they were enacted? Reconstruction. The laws about what constitutes a felony and what constitutes a misdemeanor have been repeatedly beefed up in these states to target a certain demographics.

There are attitudes and biases couched in our laws, you can't just take that shit for rote. These Southern voting laws have stood for over a century; the rest of the country has stipulations that allow felons to vote when on parole or probation, or according to what exactly their felony is. What a coincidence that the South, the stronghold of a certain political party and ideology, does not. Just follow the rules and you'll be fine.

I was almost convicted of a felony myself, only to have all charges dropped. I don't know what would have happened had I not been able to afford a real lawyer, as I initially had a court-appointed lawyer who was a drunk who told me to go to court on the wrong date. The justice system is fucked and I know it first hand.

There is hardcore racist shit going on in New Orleans post-Katrina. It's couched in seemingly innocuous building and housing codes. There is nothing shocking about the language of the laws, but in practice they are highly discriminatory. For instance - there's loads of new codes outlawing "multi-family housing" in what were majority Black & Latino areas of the city; targeting multi-family housing is a way to target statistically low-income people is a way to target minorities. It's not a coincidence and neither are our voting laws.

Personally, I think there should be different requirements to attain your right to vote -- a literacy test for one.

Re: Obama vs. McCain

Forax wrote:

so that gives you the right to cast 30 fraudulent votes over a 62 year period by virtue of knowing 2 people who got busted with weed?

I probably won't do it anyway, but I was really just trying to point out how messed up the system is. Those who know they system and have time and money can easily take advantage of it. It's not right, but the last 2 elections were stolen from the people, so I think it's time to steal them back.