wow! thank you san francisco for making the second Radio Lines a total dancefest! next month will be a post-halloween candy crash!
here are our setlists so lovingly typed up by Phil (Goutroy)!!!!
Goutroy (Phil):
Ice: La Grande Guerre
Asja Auf Capri: Chanson Risk
Grauzone: Film 2
Camera Obscura: Escape From the City
Gina X: Drive My Car
Die Unbekannten: Don't Tell Me Stories
League of Nations: Overlord
The (Hypothetical) Prophets: Person to Person
Mark Lane: Who's Really Listening?
Spector Protector: Future Eyes
Jeff & Jane Hudson: Los Alamos
Xeno & Stacatto: Cara's Kiss
Eyeless in Gaza: China Blue Vision
Martial Canterel: Refuge Underneath
Iron Curtain: Condos
Andi Arroganti: Homo-Hetero
Nine Circles: The Rose
The Wake: Heartburn
Absolute Body Control: Love At First Sight
Alien Skull Paint: The Enemy
Television Set: I Don't Like to Dance
Crash Course in Science: Flying Turns
The Glove: Mouth to Mouth
Nancy Fortune & Beta Evers: Nightmare Machinery
Secession: Touch (Part 3)
Sad Lovers & Giants: The Things We Never Did
Keine Ahnung: Plastik
Design: Fashion & Premonition
Hysterica Passio: Alone
Absolute Body Control: The Man I Wanna Be
Dark Day: Arp Carpet
Drinking Electricity: Discord Dance
Tobias Berstrup: Surround
Xymox: Call It Weird
2VM: Placita
Goutroy (Phil):
Sad Lovers and Giants: Lost in a Moment
John Foxx: No One Driving
Anne Clark: Sleeper in Metropolis
Ministry: I'm Falling
Human Puppets: ?????? ?????????
Malaria!: Your Turn to Run
Martin Dupont: Just Because (request)
Oppenheimer Analysis: Devil's Dancers
(Laura intervenes) Humour Malade: Don't Fall
Human League: The Black Hit of Space
Andi Arroganti: ????
Guyer's Connection: Ein Glas Voll Gurken
Dark White: Dramatics
Sixteens: The Knife
League of Nations: THin Ice Door
Cold Phoenix: Le Funeral Destin
Front 242: Lovely Day (request from some Swedish dude)
Mittageisen: Automaten
Xymox: 7th Time
(Phil interrupts) Dark White: Call of the Wild
Yello: Crash Dance
Depeche Mode: Ice Machine
The Actor: Picture 210
The Isolators: Concentrate On Us
Moev: Rotting Geraniums
Tres: Operator
Anne Clark: Wallies
Jeff & Jane Hudson: Help Me
Fad Gadget: Lady Shave
Snowy Red: The Long Run
18:E Oktober: SX Oas
Ruth: Mots
(Phil interrupts) Das Kabinette: Das Kabinette