1 Sticky: New COCKpits & GearPics

by Erroraudio ( Pages 1 2 3  38 )

3 What new booty have you acquired?

by zthee ( Pages 1 2 3  189 )

5 Headphones

by Communicator ( Pages 1 2 3 4 )

9 Should I buy...

by meschi ( Pages 1 2 3  87 )

10 Digital DJ-ing options.

by S.T.E.N.T.E.C.

13 Samplezzzz

by score100

15 Post cool studio & Gearpics that aren't yours

by score100 ( Pages 1 2 3 4 )

16 IKEA BRODER semi panic!

by Erroraudio

17 Current Drum Machines

by score100

18 Recording synths through pre-amps

by S.T.E.N.T.E.C.

20 Samples use / clearance

by Mule Driver

24 TR 626 Hiss

by FrvrTrx

25 Home DJ setup monitors

by S.T.E.N.T.E.C.

26 808 DIY clone "Yocto"

by automatique

28 mic preamp compressor eq

by speculator

30 Mixing Engineer Needed

by robototitico